by Phil Kingery | Feb 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
Which One Should I Use, Part VIII (Preamble) Are we up to Part 8 already? Time sure flies, doesn’t it. Those of you who know me or have read other articles of mine, know that I travel a lot for ACT (Advanced Control Technologies, Inc.). I enjoy traveling, as...
by Phil Kingery | Feb 1, 1999 | Uncategorized
Have you ever wondered how much you can find out about yourself on the internet? (However, if you haven’t and would rather not read about my wondering, then you can skip directly to the history of X-10.) I went to the other day and did a...
by Phil Kingery | Feb 1, 1997 | Uncategorized
In all truth, Charles Lindbergh never met my grandmother, but both have played a role, albeit small, in my perception of Home Automation. My Grandmother Florence was born in Flat Rock, Indiana in 1910 and was a young woman of 16 when Charles Lindbergh made his...
by Phil Kingery | Dec 1, 1996 | Uncategorized
As easy as they are to use, the many plug-in and hard-wired X-10 compatible devices have caused more than one of us to ask the question, “Which one should I use?”. Before we can choose the right X-10 device, however, we need to know a little more about the...