Copper or Fiber Optics. Which is right for you?

As digital displays become more popular, and more people understand that a DVI or HDMI “pure digital” connection delivers the best HD picture quality available today, the decision of which type of cable to use is challenging and requires thoughtful...

Sonos Wireless Media Server

Introduction Once in a while a product comes along that is so innovative and well designed that it separates itself from the crowd. The Sonos Digital Music System (Media Server) is one such product. This system is not the first to use digital media at its foundation....

Media Centers for Home Automation

As a young boy I remember jumping out of bed and rushing to the couch on Saturday mornings to watch my favorite cartoon, The Jetsons. George Jetson had a car that would fold up into a briefcase, his boy Elroy had a bathroom that would automatically get him ready for...

What is Bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a standard for a small, low-cost, power efficient radio chip that can be used by computers, printers, mobile phones, and numerous other consumer electronics. This technology allows multiple devices to communicate with each other, or one device can control...