August 16th, 2007 VH1 begins airing the episode of their hit series, The Fabulous Life, titled “The Most Insane Real Estate On The Planet”. This episode showcased homes in the 50 to 137 million dollar range. These estate owners showcased their bling from 100 ft. long pools, 103 room homes, tennis courts, and bowling alleys, to private beach fronts, and fabulous home decor.
In April 2007 Numinus LLC, developers of the StarDome, were delighted to receive a phone call from the show’s producer, Allison Mouledoux, interested in featuring their product in this upcoming episode. VH1 went on-site to film two StarDome installations in Atlanta, Georgia. The film crew followed Numinus to cover two of their StarDome installations, ‘The Star Trek StarDome’ and ‘The Grand Entry StarDome’.
The Star Trek StarDome is a focal piece in the home theater of accountant, Gary Sekulow. Gary, and his wife Kim, attended the Star Trek Memorabilia Auction at Christies in New York. After acquiring some of the most recognizable props from each Star Trek season, the props were implemented into Gary’s home theater under the astute eye of designer Dennis Erskine of Design Cinema Prive. VH1 producers interviewed both Lisa Isaacson from Numinus, LLC and theater owner Gary Sekulow for this upcoming episode.
The Star Trek Home Theatre is an exceptionally realistic replica with 14 different lighting zones including “Red Alert,” and its host of original Star Trek props. One of the favorite pieces in this themed theatre is most definitely the StarDome. Equipped with a hand painted sky mural, a sleek black drop-down-molding, and a dazzling shooting star; this piece truly brings the essence of traveling through outer space in Star Trek “Enterprise”.
Over the three days of bidding, Gary Sekulow’s project became very interesting to the guests and Star Trek enthusiasts. They were thrilled that Sekulow was going to keep the props together in his home theatre. Sekulow’s had won some of the most recognizable props like the Phaser Locker, Tricorder and Communicator, Captain Archer commander chair, the Ops and Conn consoles, and the wall panels from TNG. The StarDome replicates the “skylight” featured on the bridge of the enterprise; and it happens to be one of Sekulow’s and his children’s favorites. He points out that “this is the wow factor and the cool factor of the theatre”, during the taping of VH1’s “The Fabulous Life”.
Co-founder of Numinus LLC, and co-designer of the Star Trek StarDome, Lisa Isaacson, was working side by side with VH1’s producers for this special episode of The Fabulous Life. She describes her experience working with VH1 as extremely fun and gratifying. She was delighted to work with world renowned designer, Dennis Erskine, on the truly fabulous home theatre. To view more on this episode, check out the show review, or take a peek at VH1’s Little Black Book. Or learn more about Numinus and all the products they offer at